Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Paper Mill Final

Paper Mill Final
 The paper mill generates very much waste and the objective of this lab was to find a way to get rid of the waste or somehow use to it to benefit others in an affordable way. The paper mill has been around for a very long time and over the years there has been so much waste just sitting there. I describe the waste as "mush". It's very light weight and the color is a light blue/ grey.
 As I started this lab I came up with ideas such as: plant pots, necklaces or bracelets, paper mache, and clay. I thought with the right ingredients I could put it together and make cute clay sculptures with the waste. I did some research and looked up some recipes for clay and what ingredients would work well together. I came up with flour, corn starch, glue, and the paper waste. I figured that the glue would hold the paper waste all together with the other ingredients.
-large glass beaker    -scale (g)
-flour    -corn starch    -Elmer's glue
-paper waste    -weighing paper
-wax paper    -paint    -stirring rod
-apron    -gloves
-goggles    -no messing around
1.Gather materials.
2. Get weighing paper and weigh it on the scale and record data on paper.
3. Measure out flour on the weighing paper and place it on the scale and keep adding flour until the scale says 21.080 g.
4.Repeat step 2
5. Measure out cornstarch on the weighing paper and place it on the scale and add cornstarch until the scale says 21.081 g.
6. In the large beaker poor 40 mL of Elmer's glue.
7.Measure out the paper waste on weighing paper and place it on the scale until it reaches 11.165 g.
8. Place all the dry ingredients in the beaker with the glue and mix with stirring rod.  

9. Knead together with hands to further mix it.
10. Mold clay into shape you desire (I made a heart)

11. Set aside on wax paper and let dry for two day. Paint when fully dry if you desire.

I involved chemistry by finding the mass of each ingredient.
Flour: 1. Calculate mass by difference of flour
2. (mass of weighing paper + flour) - mass of weighing paper= mass of flour
3. 21.080 g -1.070 g = 20.01 g of flour
Cornstarch: 1. Calculate mass by difference of cornstarch
2. (mass of weighing paper + cornstarch) - mass of weighing paper = mass of cornstarch
3. 21.081 g - 1.070 g = 20.11 g of cornstarch
Paper waste: 1. Calculate mass by difference of paper waste
2. (mass of weighing paper + paper waste)  - mass of weighing paper = mass of paper waste
3. 11.165 g - 1.070 g = 10.095 g of paper waste

By the end of this experiment I was very successful. The clay is safe and it would be affordable. The cost would be $3.99. This clay could be sold to art studios and used for art projects. It would have a positive global impact because it would get rid of the waste and use it for a good cause. The clay is also very efficient and does not break easily
 In the future I might see some challenges such as: making a bigger batch of the clay and needing to know how much of each ingredients to use.
 I think that this clay is a great way to get rid of or use the paper waste from the mill. It is very affordable and the ingredients are easy access and not difficult to make.